5 Hospitality Trends in 2020
FREMONT, CA: Technology dealers in the hospitality industry are providing upgraded software to reduce manual input and increase precision. Alongside technology, integration with third-party vendors forms a seamless experience for businesses operating in the catering industry, and support enhancements on the customer experience side.
Going Green and Being Sustainable:
Consumers expect sustainability from business providers, which has made them review the environmental factors of their processes. Automated lights, more inclination toward solar-power, use of sustainable materials, and reduction of single-use plastics are some of the outcomes. The sustainable hospitality trends are reflected in ventures like the extensive use of locally sourced ingredients, reduction in food waste, and the implementation of a locally sourced supply chain.
Millennials as a Growing Market:
Millennials travel a lot and are the early embracers of new technology. They typically enjoy customized interactions and tend to act impulsively. Therefore, businesses in the hospitality sector could appeal to millennials with latest technological trends like streamlined check-ins and gourmet dining experiences at acceptable prices. Event management software and digital assistants could help a business reach out to the targeted segment of millennials by offering novel benefits like free wine tastings and a curated list of downloadable music.
The Customer Experience (CX):
• Frictionless Experience: The data collected about guest preferences does not only allows the hospitality industry to sell more to customers, but also provides frictionless experiences through facial recognition systems, virtual key check-ins, and smart rooms. Guests can also sync their devices to in-room services.
• Privacy: Consumers might be shifting away from larger, more popular options toward more privatized experiences, which could include private chefs and private recreational ventures. Hospitality Trends…