Affirmed Networks Supports 5G experiments with its new UnityCloud solution
Consumers around the world expect their banks to interact more like top technology brands, which means the banking industry is in a digital arms race. Banks around the world are realizing how investments in digital technologies could benefit customer acquisition and satisfaction. Banks running on a digital core can experience reduced costs and streamlined operations. This integration makes room for further business transformation with new digital technologies.
Modern customers are ever demanding, and they want a seamless experience across their interaction with their financial institution. Their preferences are highly personalized products and services that address their lifestyle, preferences, and objectives, sound security, business transparency, and competitive pricing. To achieve this customer centrality banks must abandon traditional methods of operations. The result is a bank that impresses the digital generation of customers and simplified banking processes.
The banks require a smooth innovation delivery pipeline based on agile practices that track market trends, uses fast feedback mechanisms for continuous product improvement. To accelerate time to market, banks have designed innovation process of generating ideas and investing in innovative technologies.
Digital technologies, including big data technology, cloud, and analytics can enhance efficiency within financial institutions, but most of the organizations are still depending on data that resides on-premise and flows across legacy systems. Affirmed Networks Supports 5G…