Can Biometric Sensors in Cars Tap Into Newer Security Prospects?
Connected and smart automobiles have started taking to the roads. It is well-known that many of the functionalities in these modern cars are sensor-driven. Now, many car manufacturers are considering the incorporation of biometric sensors as well.
Biometric sensors are today found very commonly in smartphones and are used as a means of securing the devices. In the context of automobiles, biometrics adds a layer of security and facilitates personalization. This article discusses the viability and advantages of fingerprint sensors and facial detection systems in modern vehicles.
Fingerprint Sensors: Easy Unlocking
Fingerprint sensors are being projected as the potential alternative to car locking systems. With fingerprint sensors added to the external handles, users can have secure access to their vehicles. Unlike keys that can be misplaced or stolen, fingerprint sensors are robust as a means of security.
Besides, fingerprint sensors can also be used for engine ignition. By placing fingertips on the sensor, a driver can start a car conveniently. Thus, in addition to being a means of security, fingerprint sensors enable optimized convenience as well. However, there are some limitations when it comes to eliminating key-based locking systems in favor of fingerprint-based alternatives.
Iris Recognition: The Key To Personalization
Facial recognition or iris recognition are also being considered for inclusion in smart vehicles. By incorporating biometric sensors that detect and authenticate user identity, vehicles can become highly secure. Unlike a fingerprint, facial recognition is a passive form of authentication and is thus even more convenient.
Cars equipped with biometric sensors that allow iris scanning and facial recognition can identify drivers when they get behind the steering and adjust all controls and features accordingly. From setting the preferred temperature to playing the favorite radio station, everything can be synchronized and personalized. Apart from that, facial recognition systems are easier to incorporate, and even older cars can get one.
As cars transform into intelligent, connected entities, biometric sensors can promote convenience, security, and access controls. From welcoming car owners to blocking down unauthorized people, biometric sensors can deliver value in significant ways.
How Sensors Improve Transmission and Distribution Network Management
Power delivery systems are among the largest and most diverse, remotely located investments. There are several challenges that electric utilities face with their transmission line and distribution assets. The industry is in its effort to deploy sensor technologies and the associated innovations needed to aid electric utilities in addressing challenges related to transmission and distribution.
The implementation of sensors in the transmission line and distribution networks will allow for the monitoring and communication of equipment conditions continuously. Knowing that a transmission line or distribution asset is in the risk of failure will allow actions to be taken to address the safety of both utility personnel and staff. For instance, with sensor-based monitoring, the internal discharge activity of transformers could be detected and communicated, allowing barriers to be put in place to reduce the risk for the personnel until maintenance action is taken.
Improved knowledge of transmission and distribution equipment conditions and stresses that they are subjected to will allow asset managers to manage the distribution network better. Sensor data can be used with performance information, failure database, and operational data to allocate resources better. The rating of transmission components is influenced by several factors, including weather conditions, loading history, and component configuration. To address this complexity, sensors can be used, and utilities can gain real-time knowledge of the component condition.
After an event takes place, investigating teams often have less information to understand the root cause. This limits the ability to address similar situations or to improve strategies. But sensor deployment in transmission and distribution networks could provide the information needed to identify the root cause and even help understand the patterns so that the strategy can be modified to prevent future occurrences.
By quickly identifying potential problems, electric utilities can address areas in transmission and distribution where safety concerns are most imperative, and the infrastructure could be at risk otherwise. These proactive initiatives will allow utilities to successfully kick start numerous efforts to improve the resiliency and reliability of their distribution and transmission networks.
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