Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out in 2020
Cybersecurity is a chessboard where the defenders and hackers are looking to check to mate each other, and in the present state, the hackers are on the winning side. The hackers are outmaneuvering the defenders by initiating a ransomware attack every 14 seconds; they are determined to get to 11 seconds by the end of 2021. It is not just about the speed; it is about the variety of attacks that makes the hackers a formidable opponent. In the beginning, the companies with excellent security infrastructure and a large scale pot were targeted now; it does not matter if it is a big company or a small one. Here are three trends that will change the face of cybersecurity in 2020.
A Pragmatic Approach to Cloud Security
It was assumed by everyone that if data is stored in cloud applications like Google or Microsoft, it should be secured, but that assumption is dying slowly. The fact is that data that is stored in SaaS applications like G Suite and Microsoft Office 365 is not protected from attacks at the customer’s end, which also includes human error, malicious deletion requests, phishing, sync errors and many more.
Mobile Devices become a Greater Target
The number of mobile users increases continuously, and so does the amount of business data stored in them. It is a compelling reason why mobiles are seen as the primary cyberattack vector. It is lucrative for hackers because it can override traditional secure email gateways. They are programmed to prevent phishing emails for protecting corporate emails on mobile.
Two-Faced AI
AI plays for both teams; on the one hand, AI is used by 61 percent of enterprises to detect breach attempts proactively, and on the other hand, deepfake videos are spreading out misinformation and unconventional ransomware attacks.
What are the Latest Advancements in Cybersecurity?
As technology is advancing rapidly, the IT sector and computer security are becoming more fragile and are exposed to risks and threats. It is expected that shortly, their regular activities, the attackers are innovating their approach to steal complex data. From credentials to misconfiguring cloud data, cybersecurity hackers are making life tough for users and people in the IT sector. The vendor and narrow landscape, too, have seen significant changes in recent times.
The companies are increasingly investing in upgrading the cybersecurity with the innovation and the latest cybersecurity technology. Hackers and other types of attackers are likely to utilize artificial intelligence in cybersecurity when planning out their activities — leveraging AI, automated systems aid in detecting any issues, and safeguards the systems that are prone to be hacked. Likewise, attackers use AI to make phishing and other attacks which cannot be easily detected. Apart from these kinds of attacks, AI has many positive aspects when it comes to shielding security breaches. Most of the risk identification systems use AI to detect new threats.
More than attackers, defenders use AI to make their systems protected and avoid vulnerabilities. AI can also be used as a trial and error method to conduct pre-defined attacks, monitor them, and come up with solutions that can help organizations to prepare themselves to face any attack in the future.
2019 has been a year that has witnessed tremendous growth of 5G networks, and the infrastructure has increased manifolds. In the coming months, it is expected that 5G IoT gadgets can directly connect with the 5G network rather than through a Wi-Fi router. In the case of direct attacks, these gadgets could become highly vulnerable. Even for IoT devices that have home clients, it will become difficult screening them as they will bypass a central router. Hosting a large volume of data on cloud storage could also give hackers new areas to breach in to.
Cloud-based storage has been a subject of regular attacks by hackers who have stolen sensitive data, including bank details, personal information, etc. There are still concerns about client migration to bundling buys and the cloud. It becomes crucial for organizations to understand whether investing in cloud-based access security brokers is logical and fruitful.
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