How Sensors Improve Transmission and Distribution Network Management

3 min readNov 18, 2020


Power delivery systems are among the largest and most diverse, remotely located investments. There are several challenges that electric utilities face with their transmission line and distribution assets. The industry is in its effort to deploy sensor technologies and the associated innovations needed to aid electric utilities in addressing challenges related to transmission and distribution.

The implementation of sensors in the transmission line and distribution networks will allow for the monitoring and communication of equipment conditions continuously. Knowing that a transmission line or distribution asset is in the risk of failure will allow actions to be taken to address the safety of both utility personnel and staff. For instance, with sensor-based monitoring, the internal discharge activity of transformers could be detected and communicated, allowing barriers to be put in place to reduce the risk for the personnel until maintenance action is taken.

Improved knowledge of transmission and distribution equipment conditions and stresses that they are subjected to will allow asset managers to manage the distribution network better. Sensor data can be used with performance information, failure database, and operational data to allocate resources better. The rating of transmission components is influenced by several factors, including weather conditions, loading history, and component configuration. To address this complexity, sensors can be used, and utilities can gain real-time knowledge of the component condition.

After an event takes place, investigating teams often have less information to understand the root cause. This limits the ability to address similar situations or to improve strategies. But sensor deployment in transmission and distribution networks could provide the information needed to identify the root cause and even help understand the patterns so that the strategy can be modified to prevent future occurrences.

By quickly identifying potential problems, electric utilities can address areas in transmission and distribution where safety concerns are most imperative, and the infrastructure could be at risk otherwise. These proactive initiatives will allow utilities to successfully kick start numerous efforts to improve the resiliency and reliability of their distribution and transmission networks.

NASDAQ Licenses its Market Technology Framework for Bcause LLC:

NASDAQ, the second largest stock exchange has come forward to license its market surveillance technology for the U.S.-based crypto startup Bcause LLC. Bcause will employ trading, clearing, and surveillance tech for its cryptocurrency market. These technologies are expected to be launch by Bcause via NASDAQ’s financial framework platform by the first half of 2019.

NASDAQ’s tech implementation into Bcause framework will ensure the company to monitor business securely as well as counter manipulative and suspicious activities, if any. Bcause LLC is known for developing the first ever full-stack cryptocurrency ecosystem, requires to have a secure business process and the alliance between NASDAQ and Bcause will be crucial for safe and sound spot crypto business.

This move will drive a greater number of users to the spot crypto market, and also enable new users to get acquainted easily with the traditional market of cryptocurrency.

The financial framework of NASDAQ will enable Bcause to introduce innovative micro-services and expand its offerings to meet the industry demands concerning the progressive digital assets economy. The startup has built unique ecosystem to deliver investors, partners and stock market players a comprehensive experience in the crypto market and value chain.

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Written by Christopher

I am a technology blogger, who loves to read and write on the latest in technology.

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