The Potential Of AI For Public Healthcare System
The potential for artificial intelligence (AI)to reshape the field of health care, that is to help improve diagnosis and allow an increasingly precise approach to medicine, is boundless. AI approach is potentially a radical expansion in the scope of public health, and many activities will be led by organizations beyond the established public health institutions. There is no doubt in the fact that AI is rapidly replacing legacy public health care systems to make better healthcare accessible to all. Here is how.
• Accessing Patient Data
One of the biggest challenges in providing patient care through public health care systems is furnishing appropriate medical history and health records. The traditional public health care systems are burdened with handling large paperwork manually, and this is where AI-based data management and storage can come to help. The data storage challenges of public healthcare facilities can be effectively reduced by AI-powered cloud computing that can avail patient data seamlessly across multiple healthcare centers and hospitals.
• Improving Diagnostics
AI-powered tools help health caregivers to study patterns and provide accurate diagnostics faster. AI-powered screening tests are assisting caregivers in offering quick diagnosis, allowing the patients to access treatment rapidly. AI-based tools that do not depend on traditional methods can help in the diagnosis of illnesses where false-negatives can occur. Further, AI is said to outperform human diagnostics and will replace doctors in the future. The use of AI can help in reducing the costs of diagnostics, a vital plus point for public healthcare systems.
• Tracking Worker Productivity
In a public healthcare system that works in locations with dense populations and unmonitored operations, tracking worker productivity is often ignored. But AI can help actively correlate the patient data collected on the field and verify whether or not appropriate efforts are channelized. AI-powered mobile apps can help public healthcare systems have improved visibility in the day-to-day operations of remote workers and along with an improvement in the quality of care.